Seattle Public Schools


Shared Play Spaces

Playground, Parkway, and Sports Courts Improvements with Seattle Parks and Recreation

The park area used by Alki Elementary School for arrival, community gathering, and play will be improved as part of the school construction project.


Improvements will be made to the playground, parkway, and sport court, which are owned by the City of Seattle and operated/managed by Seattle Parks and Recreation (Parks) as part of the Alki Playground and Fields.


We appreciate the community participation that has helped shape the design of the new shared play spaces. These designs show the playground equipment preferred by the community and proposed placement of the equipment. Download the PDF version of the images below.

Concept Design

a display board showing the design concept for improvements to the Alki Playground

Preferred Play Equipment

display board showing playground equipment that was preferred by the community
display board showing placement of the playground equipment that was preferred by the community


Construction of the improvements will be complete in early to mid-2026 before the start of school in September.

site plan for Alki Elementary construction project with the neighboring Parkway, playground, and sports court highlighted