Seattle Public Schools

2409 Competency/Proficiency Based Credit

It is the policy of the Seattle School Board to permit competency or proficiency high school credit for World Language for which a student can demonstrate proficiency across a range of language skills using a District-approved assessment process.

Competency-based credits can help students demonstrate and validate expertise they have already gained, including through natural or heritage language experiences, and can allow students to open up time in their schedules to pursue other interests.

Granting competency-based credit for World Languages allows students to gain high school credit through their experiences of using the language at home, attending language programs in the community, or living abroad. For the purposes of this policy, “World Languages” includes those languages that are only spoken or signed.

Additional subjects may be added to this policy upon guidance by the State Board of Education or the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

The Superintendent is directed to develop procedures for awarding World Language high school credits to students based on demonstrated proficiency across a range of language skills.

Superintendent Procedure:

  • 2409SP – Competency/Proficiency High School Credit for World Languages

Policy Cross References:

  • 2420 – High School Grade and Credit Marking

Previous Policies:

  • C17.00 – Competency/Proficiency Based Credit

Legal References:

  • RCW 28A.230.090 High school graduation requirements or equivalencies — Reevaluation of graduation requirements — Review and authorization of proposed changes — Credit for courses taken before attending high school — Postsecondary credit equivalencies.
  • WAC 180-51-050 High school credit — Definition.
  • WAC 180-51-051 Procedure for granting students mastery-based credit.

Management Resources:

Last Board Review:


  • March 12, 2025 (Administrative Update per Policy No. 1310)

Adopted by the Board:

  • December 7, 2011