2413 Equivalency Credit for Career and Technical Education Courses
Any statewide equivalency career and technical education course offered by the District or accessed at a skill center will be offered for academic credit.
Statewide equivalency courses are determined by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction under RCW 28A.700.070.
The District may also adopt local course equivalencies for career and technical education courses that are not on the list of courses approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction under RCW 28A.700.070.
Each high school will honor core academic course equivalencies for high school career and technical courses. The courses must be either from the state approved list of equivalencies or reviewed and approved for equivalency credit by a District team appointed by the Superintendent or their designee.
The District team will include a school administrator, the career and technical administrator, an instructor from the core academic subject area, an instructor or manager from the appropriate career and technical course, and a representative from the curriculum department.
Career and technical courses approved for equivalency will be:
The Board approves Advanced Placement (AP) computer science courses as equivalent to high school mathematics or science. The Superintendent or their designee will adopt procedures to denote on the student’s transcript that AP computer science qualifies as a math-based quantitative course for students who complete it in their senior year.
Superintendent Procedure:
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