Seattle Public Schools

2415 High School Graduation Requirements

It is the policy of the Seattle School Board that in addition to meeting all graduation requirements set forth by the State of Washington, all District high school students must meet the following requirements to graduate:

  1. Students must earn 24 credits, but state law provides that districts may put a policy in place to waive up to two of those credits. The Seattle School Board authorizes this two-credit waiver for individual students, based on their circumstances. Credits defined by the State Board of Education as foundational/mandatory core credits may not be waived. The Superintendent or their designee is directed to outline the process for this two-credit waiver in the K-12 School Counseling Manual.
  2. Students are urged to examine their post-high school plans, and to take the appropriate credits that will allow them to achieve their postgraduate goals. Additionally, students are encouraged to gain proficiency in many areas of the curriculum.
  3. Individual schools may require additional credits for graduation; to do so, the school must receive a written waiver from the designated Regional Executive Director of Schools, the Assistant Superintendent of Academics, and the Superintendent.
  4. The Board recognizes the importance and is supportive of community service by requiring students to participate in service-learning activities, which are jointly developed by the District and school sites. Students are required to complete 60 hours of service-learning before graduation.

Students Completing the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program

Students who fulfill the requirements of an international baccalaureate (IB) program are considered to have met state high school graduation standards, so long as:

  1. The student meets state graduation requirements;
  2. The student meets the provision regarding study of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Washington; and
  3. The student meets all graduation requirements required by Seattle Public Schools or by the student’s school that are in addition to state minimum requirements, unless those requirements are waived by the student’s principal or their designee. Fulfilling the requirements of an international baccalaureate program means the student has:
  4. Completed and passed all required IB courses as scored by the school;
  5. Passed all internal assessments as scored by the school;
  6. Successfully completed all required projects and products as scored by the school; and
  7. Completed the final examinations administered by the international baccalaureate organization in each of the required subjects under the IB diploma program.

A student and their parent/guardian will be required to sign the “International Baccalaureate Option Form” indicating that the student and family understand that the waiver from state minimum graduation requirements only applies for students who fulfill the requirements of the IB program; should a student fail to meet the requirements, or if a student leaves the program prior to completion, they may be required to fulfill state and Seattle Public Schools minimum graduation requirements.

Graduation and Participation in Commencement

  1. Students must be enrolled and attending a school for the semester immediately preceding graduation to be eligible to graduate from that school. Students who are participating in Running Start or who have properly obtained dual enrollment in another school district or approved program may graduate from their affiliated District high school.
  2. A student must have met all state graduation requirements or fulfilled the requirements of the International Baccalaureate program, and have met or waived all District graduation requirements, to participate in commencement, unless the student has a right to participate in commencement as a matter of state or federal law.

The Superintendent or their designee shall annually create, post, and distribute a Graduation Requirements Bulletin for each graduating class detailing all graduation requirements, including requirements set forth by the State of Washington, a breakdown of the areas in which students must earn credit, and a process by which District and state requirements may be waived. The Graduation Requirements Bulletin and the K-12 School Counseling Manual serve as the administrative procedures to further implement this Policy.

Superintendent Procedure:

Policy Cross References:

  • 0010 – Instructional Philosophy
  • 0020 – Goals for the District
  • 0030 – Ensuring Educational and Racial Equity
  • 2080 – Assessment
  • 2100 – Educational Opportunities for Military Children
  • 2151 – Interscholastic Activities
  • 2170 – Career and Technical Education
  • 2409 – Competency/Proficiency Based Credit
  • 2412 – Diplomas for Veterans
  • 2413 – Equivalency Credit for Career and Technical Education Courses
  • 2420 – High School Grade and Credit Marking
  • 3115 – Students Experiencing Homelessness: Enrollment Rights and Services
  • 3116 – Dependent Students (Foster Care)
  • 3123 – Withdrawal Prior to Graduation

Previous Policies:

  • C15.00 – High School Graduation Requirements

Legal References:

  • Chapter 28A.230 RCW Compulsory Coursework and Activities.
  • RCW 28A.230.090 High school graduation requirements or equivalencies—Career and college ready graduation requirements and waivers—Reevaluation of graduation requirements.
  • RCW 28A.230.120 High school diplomas – Issuance – Option to receive final transcripts – Notice; RCW 28A.230.120(4)(a) Evitan’s law.
  • RCW 28A.230.122 International baccalaureate diplomas.
  • RCW 28A.230.170 Study of constitutions compulsory – Rules.
  • RCW 28A.230.212 High school and beyond plans—Substantive requirements.
  • RCW 28A.230.700 Purpose of diploma—Elements of obtainment.
  • RCW 28A.230.710 Graduation pathway options.
  • RCW 28A.230.720 Graduation pathway options—Review and monitoring—Participation data.
  • RCW 28A.230.740 Credit for courses taken before attending high school.
  • Chapter 28A.320 RCW Provisions applicable to all districts.
  • RCW 28A.320.193 Community service—Policy—Incentive.
  • RCW 28A.600.300-400 Running start program.
  • RCW 28A.600.500 Graduation Ceremonies – Tribal Regalia.
  • RCW 28A.635.060 Defacing or injuring school property—Liability of pupil, parent, or guardian—Withholding diplomas—Suspension and restitution—Community service program as alternative—Publication of information on withheld diplomas—Student rights protected.
  • Chapter 180-51 WAC High school graduation requirements.
  • WAC 392-121-182 Alternative learning experience requirements.
  • Chapter 392-169 WAC Special service programs – Running Start program.
  • Chapter 392-348 WAC Secondary Education.
  • Chapter 392-410 WAC Courses of studies and equivalencies.

Management Resources:

  • K-12 Counseling Services Manual
  • Graduation Requirements Bulletin
  • WSSDA Legal & Policy News, December 2020
  • WSSDA Policy & Legal News, June 2013
  • WSSDA Policy & Legal News, June 2012

Last Board Review:


  • March 14, 2025 (Administrative Update per Policy No. 1310)
  • June 16, 2022 (Administrative Update per Policy No. 1310)
  • July 20, 2021
  • March 11, 2020
  • November 15, 2017
  • January 4, 2017
  • June 4, 2014
  • August 21, 2013

Adopted by the Board:

  • February 15, 2012