2415 High School Graduation Requirements
It is the policy of the Seattle School Board that in addition to meeting all graduation requirements set forth by the State of Washington, all District high school students must meet the following requirements to graduate:
Students Completing the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program
Students who fulfill the requirements of an international baccalaureate (IB) program are considered to have met state high school graduation standards, so long as:
A student and their parent/guardian will be required to sign the “International Baccalaureate Option Form” indicating that the student and family understand that the waiver from state minimum graduation requirements only applies for students who fulfill the requirements of the IB program; should a student fail to meet the requirements, or if a student leaves the program prior to completion, they may be required to fulfill state and Seattle Public Schools minimum graduation requirements.
Graduation and Participation in Commencement
The Superintendent or their designee shall annually create, post, and distribute a Graduation Requirements Bulletin for each graduating class detailing all graduation requirements, including requirements set forth by the State of Washington, a breakdown of the areas in which students must earn credit, and a process by which District and state requirements may be waived. The Graduation Requirements Bulletin and the K-12 School Counseling Manual serve as the administrative procedures to further implement this Policy.
Superintendent Procedure:
Policy Cross References:
Previous Policies:
Legal References:
Management Resources:
Last Board Review:
Adopted by the Board: